Pay Your Bills Online
BillExpress is the free, fast, and safe online bill payment service for people who value their time and money. Experience the better way to pay your bills online, anytime, anywhere with BillExpress Online.
Convert your coins to cash fast.
Do you even know how much money in coins you have? What could you do with some cash today? Easily convert your coins to cash at a BillExpress store today and find out. BX Coin Exchange is one of our premier services available at select BillExpress stores island-wide. It is a safe, reliable, and convenient way to exchange local coins for cash. Our coin exchange machines even take coins that are demonetized or no longer in circulation. No need to find your way to Bank of Jamaica. Or wait on specific days each month to exchange coins. Use our coin exchange machines anytime during opening hours at the branches located.
Exchange Coins for Cash in 3 Easy Steps.
Find Kiosk
Find a BillExpress store across Jamaica with a coin exchange machine.

Add Coins
Add your coins to the machine and watch them automatically sorted and counted.
Collect Cash
Get full value for your coins at no to minimal fees and collect your cash.

Ready to find a BX Coin Xchange kiosk near you?.
It’s easy to pay a bill at BillExpress. Choose from our 230 locations island-wide and find a BillExpress near you.

Pay bills on the go with BillExpress.
BillExpress makes it convenient and secure for you to pay bills online anytime or in-store at one of our 230 locations island-wide. So, are you out and about and need to make a quick stop to pay a bill? Or, do you want to hop online and send a payment right away? You choose the payment method that works best for you today. Experience the better and more affordable way to pay bills with BillExpress.